At Norton Summit Baptist Church, we feel that it’s our responsibility to make it easy for you to come to church. And we know that your first time at a church – any church – brings up some questions. How do I get there? What should I wear? What’s available for my kids? What should I expect in church?

How do I get there?  You will find a map on the “Location & Times”. Handicapped parks are available in the upper car park.

What do I wear?  You are welcome to come as you are! Most people dress casually and for comfort.

Service Times? Our Sunday service is held at 10:00 am each week.


What’s available for my kids? If you have children, they will come with you into the main building for the start of the service. We have a kid’s program that begins about half way through the service. If you think your children would like join in this program there is a sign-in sheet at the Welcome Table which you can fill in before the service begins.

What should I expect in church? Most Sunday mornings begin with a few songs and some announcements. We take up an offering each week but please don’t feel that you have to contribute anything. Sometimes we have communion together, other Sundays we have a kid’s talk followed by some more songs.  You may choose to sit or stand, and you are encouraged to join in the singing as much as you’d like. Each week we have someone teaching from the Bible for about 20 minutes with opportunities for questions and comments.  If you would like one of our leaders to pray for you there will be an invitation issued near the end of the service. Coffee time is a part of the church service.